Archive for category Garmin maps

Western Europe map boundary changed

Starting from the OSM snapshot 2011-05-25, eastern edge of the Western Europe region was shifted two degrees to the west to avoid overflow of the 4 Gb filesystem limit for memory cards.

For the same reason, starting from 2011-08-25, the eastern boundary was shifted one more degree to the west, i.e. to 13 degrees longitude.

Because of fast growth of the Western Europe maps, starting from 2011-09-21 eastern edge of the Western Europe region was moved to 11 degrees while Eastern Europe region Western extent is now 9 degrees longitude.

As a side effect, diff files for Western and Eastern Europe regions to update to 2011-05-25 are bigger than usually. With next update, they are expected to fall back to normal size.

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Seeding of most recent diff files

In order to speed-up initial distribution of new maps snapshots, most recent diff files are now seeded with our server. To obtain the most recent maps, you can download small diff files and patch your old maps images with the use of a GDiff patcher.

Recommended way of downloading maps updates is use of our Azureus/Vuze plugin. It downloads necessary updates and patches your old maps images automatically.

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Maps download and update Vuze plugin

Automatic download and update of maps can be newly provided using platform-independent Java bittorrent client Azureus/Vuze. Azureus/Vuze client works on Windows, Linux and MacOS.

OSM for Garmin Update plugin searches for new updates and downloads appropriate diff patch files if available. When patch file is downloaded, your map is patched automatically and ready to use and seed to others.

Vuze OSM for Garmin update plugin can be downloaded from here. After installation, you can download or update your maps simply by checking required region(s). In addition, plugin can check server for updated maps every day to keep your data up-to-date on the fly.

Please visit plugin user’s guide page for more information.

Plugin configuration page

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Torrents structure changed

Starting from OSM snapshot 2011-05-25, delta files were separated from the maps files.

All delta files for a particular OSM snapshot are stored in a separate folder named after source and target snapshots dates and each delta file is named after region name. Region name is followed by the size (in bytes) of the source file used for delta file generation.

Structure of folders for map files is unchanged. GMAPSUPP.IMG files are stored in folders named after particular region.

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